Most of us are stuck in the house with the kids more than usual due to the pandemic. Staying safe is of course number one, above all. Despite that, most of us miss travel! Personally, I haven’t sat in one place this long in a very long time. Years. We(the family) have traveled in these times and it’s not easy. With travelers refusing to adhere to mask guidelines at times, places being closed, it’s been tough. Here are some ideas that may help you and your significant other in these times.
Getting the house to yourselves - This is appreciated more now than ever. As long as everyone has been tested and are safe, maybe try sending the kiddos to your friend or relatives house for a day or two. It seems like a little, but getting that time alone again will do wonders. If you can’t remember the last time you and your partner had the house to yourselves, this is worth a try.
Local AirBNB - Just a day or two, maybe a small trip down the road will give you a boost. My husband and I spent time at an AirBNB not too far from our home recently and enjoyed those 48 hours away from everyone. The home had a pool table and pool, which for us, felt like a resort. We’ve avid travelers and if you are, don’t take this for granted. A couple of dollars for a great experience. All AirBNB’s are following strict guidelines with sanitation, so safety isn’t a worry. Enjoy yourself! A Long Drive - I know it’s not a weekend, not even a day, but maybe an hour or two on the road will give you that recharge time that you need to deal with the stress at home. Grab a map and hit the highway for an hour or two. See some sights, snap some cool pics for social media and head back home. It’s an underrated mini vacay, especially if you have some good snacks & music.
Partner Activities - Video Gaming, Working Out, Bike Riding, any activity where you and your love can spend some quality time together is time away from everyday life. Why not stay active, together? Grab your masks and get outside in the fresh air or cozy up with the Game System & have some fun.
Whatever you choose, the time to recharge is vital with everything going on. For some of us, this is the first time we’ve been with our kids this long!! We love them dearly, but a little peace and quiet can go a very long way. Stay safe but remember to enjoy yourself.