Muhammad Ali is one the most iconic men in my eyes, one of my favorite gentlemen of All-Time. The most underrated thing about the legend, not his trash talk, not his talent, nor his charm. Muhammad Ali’s style is something that most of us didn’t appreciate enough. Maybe it’s because we’re so enamored by everything else. Athletes are incredible individuals, but their swagger outside of the arenas and rings are what everyday people like you and I love the most. His swagger will never be duplicated.
I’m not sure if Ali had a Personal Stylist or not, but his style sense was truly unique. From the tailored suits to his workout sweats, Ali’s one of our favorites to study when it comes to designing long lasting fashion. His grooming regimen is something I haven’t seen many cover either. Always clean shaven, flat-top hair cut well lined & intact, the man’s style was simply effortless. I have several art pieces of Ali in my home for inspirational purposes, but I’m considering adding some of his most stylish looks for inspiration as well.
If you guys have some time, visit Google and search ‘Muhammad Ali Style’ to see more of what I mean. If he was in his prime current day, he would have for sure been an Esquire/GQ regular. Look for some of our Autumn 2021 pieces to include some of Ali’s style sense. He’s a WXLF, indeed. Rest peacefully, Mr. Ali & thank you for the inspiration both in and out of the ring.