“Anything with the word WXLF sells for us. The WXLF products sell the most to the younger demographic. We love it, but we hope they understand the meaning and the mission in those pieces. It’s not a fad for us. It’ll be with us for life.” - Dani Merritt, Founder
The word WXLF for this brand means everything. The Wolf is our favorite animal. They are resilient. They are patient. They are the leaders of the wild. We placed our own spin on the traditional spelling due to overuse in the industry. For us, it means that much and adding the X makes it ours.
The X in the spelling is for the number of times we’ve been turned down by Venture Capitalists & Banks for loans & investment. As a minority owned company, we have difficulties with banks and VC’s. Being denied has never stopped us and everytime we see the X, it makes us work that much harder to achieve our ultimate goal.
For our customers, every time you wear a piece of WXLF merchandise, please keep this in mind. Be strong, be brave, be confident in all things. Adapt & Overcome ALL obstacles you face in life.